My Love of Bricks and Mortar

Growing up in England surrounded by everything from crumbling Roman ruins, old medieval dwellings, large gothic edifices and post modern structures, my interest in architecture was captured early.

In secondary school my architect uncle bought me a book “ Careers in Architecture “ and I realized very quickly that this was not the path for me, and especially coupled with my lack of ability in maths and physics. 

I love looking at buildings and learning their history, but it’s the decorative, the textures, patterns and shapes that really draws my attention. 

On holiday, my photos and drawings tend to focus on capturing the local architecture rather than recording our activities. 

Recently, I’ve been delving into my photo library, enjoying sketching new views and ideas to stitch. I’m feeling a mixture of nostalgia and gratitude to the places I’ve been lucky enough to visit. 

Below is a peek at recent sketchbook pages…

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