My Subject Flies Away

I’ve had a love affair with birds since I can remember.  They capture my imagination and inspire my work with
their colourful, resourceful and characterful natures.

Drawing them has always been a challenge. They don’t really sit still even if you can get close enough to observe them properly (unlike my cat who is often captured in a sketch while she sleeps)
While at art school I began making textile birds to draw from after observing them in nature. New Zealand (where my mum is from) has the most amazing collection of native birds which often appear in my work. They range from oversize prehistoric looking Takahe’s to the friendly little Fantails, with every colour and personality possible in between. 

I mostly research birds in books, it’s much easier ! I enjoy drawing the shapes, colours and details that capture my imagination. The textile birds I make today are a decorative homage to their muse in nature. 

Pictured below are some of my materials on my open sketchbook page

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